Published on by Bhumika Gupta


 Every day I face many of people some bad, good, kind  But I don't know when what they think before say  They says something else in front of us But they keep something else in mind.

They say the truth with a great lie. Actually, this hurt a lot, not outside but inside painfully. Sometimes we pretty listen to a lie after knowing all the truth. The lie is a lie until or unless it can't be forced to make a real truth. We have the power to face a real truth but before it making a complete lie. Some of them in our surrounding says that we don't like to hear a lie. But eventually, they like to be liars all the time this is an irony in the materialistic world. Have to accept it or not in not in our choices. Actually, choices depends on the situation . What is situation to be handle in this world. we only make a situation according to our need, or we make a situation according to our life . Only responsible to your choices only responisble to your life . we only one mold our life according to our need or our desires:) we have to accept truth or not is only depends on our choice. Actually they don't lie But they hide lie.


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