Wings to fly..

Published on by Bhumika Gupta

move over sun
gives me some sky
i have wings
i want to fly

Human first thirst for a knowledge

Only death quenches it.

Selling their soul for matrial gains,

But when they live, they forget their basic existence,

They run for money, they run for power,

To give life a meaningful answer,

They commit many crimes.

In search of light direction they faster from their path,

In search of respect they either preach or sin,

Oblivious to all the other things that matter

They go on with their bloody deeds

They kill in name of humanity,

They wage war in name of religion

They plunder in name of brotherhood,

They make blunder in name of peace

When will all this cease,

Look at lives we are killing

Look at the blood we all shedding

Look at the tears we are spilling

Look at the hate we have wallowed


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